We are Steele Creek Church

Spread Love This February

This February, we’re partnering with Bethany Christian Services to provide backpacks filled with love and essentials for children in foster care or are being removed from their homes. Together, we can make a meaningful impact by meeting practical needs and sharing God’s love.

Welcome To Church

We are a church established through the love and grace of Jesus Christ. When you attend one of our services, you will experience the presence of God, worship with people of various backgrounds, and hear biblical teaching, verse by verse.

Continue scrolling to explore services offered in various languages and locations.



1929 West Arrowood Rd.
Charlotte, NC 28217


11800 Eastfield Rd.
Charlotte, NC 28078


Español Arrowood

1929 West Arrowood Rd.
Charlotte, NC 28217

Arabic Arrowood

1929 West Arrowood Rd.
Charlotte, NC 28217

Español Eastfield

11800 Eastfield Rd.
Charlotte, NC 28078

Additional Partners


Arrowood Campus Small Tent

Cornerstone Mission Church

Sundays at 10am
5113 W Hwy 74, Monroe, NC 28110


1st and 3rd Saturdays
6:00pm to 8:00pm
Arrowood Campus Small Tent